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Pat Villarreal
I got introduced to model building when I was around 7 years old from an older cousin. The first model was a 1/32nd scale Revell Ju-87 Stuka. Since then I casually dabbled into the hobby but my interest in aviation took off. After high school I got a degree in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Texas (Austin) and worked for a major defense contractor in the area. At the job, I was introduced to Mike Quan who was an IPMS member. He showed me there was more to the hobby than what I saw at the local box stores. From there my motivation to "build better" took off. My first Scalefest entry was in 2007 and I was ecstatic to come home with a 3rd place for an F-15C Eagle. My first National was in 2011 in Omaha and I was surprised to take home a 3rd for an F-104 Starfighter. With each kit and contest I make improvements in my building habits. The best part of IPMS is the people you get to meet and the friendships you create, we are a diverse group of folks. We share the same interest in plastic models and want to show our completed builds and pass down knowledge. To grow the hobby is to share the hobby with those around us. Ask questions and give answers when asked. It's never too late to start or restart this hobby. The goal is to build and enjoy it.